Sunday, July 3, 2011


Okay, I'm the last to get Lyme Disease in my immediate family. Big whoop. It's still a royal drag. BUT I feel much better than I did last Sunday when I was spending my third day flat on my back. Exhausted after washup and eating toast.

Today, did a load of laundry. Planned Sunday dinner and tomorrow's. Put out garbage and re-cycle. And if it weren't raining, I'd be outside pouring vinegar down the ant hills in my front walk.

That's okay. I'm grateful to be feeling better. Even so, those little buggers (spirocetes) in my bloodstream are busily throwing out toxins as the antibiotics kill them. So I do have my ups and downs. Right now, I'm tired, so took a sit-down break.

After dinner, I'll be polishing a ms. an editor wants to see. That won't be work because she has "passed" on several mss. over the last 15 years, but always says, "Send me more down the line." That means she likes my work even if it doesn't make the grade. This time, I hope it will.

This YA ms., called SHELTER, is set in a domestic violence shelter and involves both dating and domestic violence. It's multi-cultural, it's probably hi-lo. And it's needed. So cross your fingers. Maybe I'll get lucky.Meanwhile, back to work.

It feels so good to hope, even if it's just about a ms. I wish that a trickle (or more) of hope could cross every heart today, especially those that belong to women and teens who think nothing will ever change or improve.

I disagree. I believe battered women can change and improve. It's their crazy partners who can't.


Rachel Brooks said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. I hope the MS polishing is going well :)

Patricia H. Aust said...

Yes, but I have a lot left to do!
Thanx for the follow. Pat