Thursday, December 29, 2011


Okay, I’m thinking about them. As usual, I want to lose weight, though I'm about 15 pounds less than I was last year. I’d also like to clean out more closets. Instead of the usual Middle-Grade and Young Adult fiction I write, I want to try something new--non-fiction. And I want to keep my prayer list active. I'm not really religious, but I believe in prayer because it is about love and concern. How could that not help? 

I consider myself lucky. I set my own resolutions and no one tells me what they should be. I love having the freedom to write what I want, when I want. This means I set my priorities re: writing vs. other activities or responsibilities. I don’t have to justify how I spend my time. No one tells me what I should do instead or that I can’t write until I’ve done what he wants me to do or thinks is more important.

My resolutions are my own, based on my needs, my passions, and my priorities. 

Are yours?


Okay, I’m thinking about them. As usual, I want to lose weight, though I am about 10 pounds less than I was in October. I’d like to clean out more closets. Instead of the usual Middle-Grade and Young Adult fiction I write, I want to try something new. A biography of my life as a social worker whose clients were more often children than adults, which will include parts of this my blog and my work with kids at a domestic violence shelter.

I have the freedom to write what I want, when I want, which amounts to how I set my priorities re: other activities or responsibilities. I don’t have to justify how I spend my time. No one tells me what I should do instead or that I can’t write until I’ve done what he wants me to do or thinks is more important.

My resolutions are my own, based on my needs, my priorities, and my desires.

Are yours?

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